Personal Thaw

My only moment of foodiness yesterday came from books and oddly, my parent's favorite evening show..Wheel of Fortune. Every night we gather to watch the local news followed by NBC News with Brian Williams then finally the all-powerful Wheel. We bond with Pat and Vanna and my parents take this time to try to solve the puzzles and give their failing minds a bit of a workout. Last night's theme was international food and I was so excited that

Today, I did get out and stopped by the Greenhouse where they have been decorating for spring. The bright colors and in particular the rainforest display were instant spirit lifts. Had a bite of Kaki's delicious hash brown casserole before heading to her home for a bit of mental respite before heading back to the folk's.
My parent's neighbor Bobby provided a humorous story about Dad. Bobby has been a godsend by watching out for my folks and driving Dad around for his errands. He told me of asking Dad

Another surefire way to personal thaw is remembering the world is much bigger than your own problems. The horror and tragedy that has befallen Haiti from that earthquake reveals an entire people desperately in need. ABC News says that CareUSA is one of the groups that is not a scam and is already doing good work. They are working to get much-needed food to the area. Click on the following link to learn how to help...
Yeah, way to go Wheel Stud. By the way, I always knew your dad was a generous man so do you think he'd let ME borrow his teeth. I've only got two of my own and I have a party to go to on Saturday.