Lakeside Dining
The last night in St. Mayberry was centered around a wonderful dinner at the Abicht-Reckard lakeside compound. In addition to Kak, JB, Kristy and myself, we were blessed to spend the evening with a few of my favorite peeps. Kaki's brother Eric joined us from Teays Valley and her mother Barbara was here as well. Dotte White and Bud Ludford were here also. Connie and Stacie stopped by post-dinner to cap off the evening.
Barb and Dotte are best friends. When these two get together, it's always guaranteed joy and last night was no exception. Barb and Dotte are what I consider to be two truly classic dames and I am so grateful to have them in my life.
Barb and Bud were my two most memorable high school teachers. Barb was an entertaining and informative history teacher and her psychology class was legendary. That class was bookended by Christmas parties for those in need and a spring day visiting the residents of Colin Anderson center. Barb regularly accomplished what seemed to be the impossible: getting high school kids to understand the world doesn't revolve around them and teaching them how to help others less fortunate.
Bud's English class was one-of-a-kind and was the first to instruct us through media from film to the music of the Beatles. My standout memory of the day John Lennon died involved his class. When Bud entered the classroom he wordlessly walked to his console and began playing Imagine. After the entire song played, he simply said, "That was for you, John.". He then began teaching that day's lesson.
The meal was as always flavorful and filling. JB grilled some succulent steaks, Bud brought his famous lasagna and roasted red peppers and Kak whipped up a very tasty salad. Of course, laughter peppered the evening and among the humorous highlights were an over-stimulated motion detector, public readings of Kaki's college letters and Dotte inadvertently referring to Bud's lasagna as tasting like horse turds.
There was a lot of love in that room last night.
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