Number Nine

Sunday brought about the main event of the weekend: our girl Sierra turned the magic number nine in high style. Sierra's parents Kim and Dave attended the aforementioned Mizzou game in person and despite their exhaustion, hosted a great birthday party for their girl.

Dave cooked up a tasty breakfast for us of hash browns with peppers and onions, eggs and some delicious local sausage. Following breakfast, we decided to keep the kids entertained until the main event so Keith did something he vows to do every year and typically never ends up having time to do...he carved a pumpkin for Halloween. The kids each decorated a pumpkin as well....Tanner's was inventive and Sierra's was over-the-top blinged out.

Jill and her daughters Caitlyn and Lindsay joined us for the primary soiree. Sierra and Caitlyn entertained us with some songs on the piano. Sierra also selected the main dish for the party: Dave's famous fish tacos. Our newly nine-year-old has some burgeoning gourmet tastes; bless her. This was my kind of tacos made with tilapia, fresh avocado, salsa and shredded cheese. Dave also served some of the incredibly savory black bean soup he had made for the game the day before. Though he swore it was better then, I found it to be seriously delicious. Dessert brought us back to a true nine-year-old's tastes...a Hannah Montana ice cream cake.

As evidenced by my last two posts, it seemed I couldn't get through events this weekend without a boot kick down Memory Lane and this party was no different. My ninth birthday was one of my favorites. Mom and Dad invited my friends to join me at a picnic pavilion in the park for cake, ice cream and a cookout of burgers and hot dogs. I still remember getting my most awesome Hot Wheels set with the big yellow track that had the cool loop in the middle. I revisited those pics when I was taking care of my parents last winter. Just yesterday, Tanner brought out Keith's old Matchbox set of cars in their old carrying case. I got that case for my birthday as well and took it everywhere.

It was a great weekend of treasured memories while making new ones....hmmmm, I must be channeling vintage Hallmark sentiment. One day, I hope the kids will read these posts. When they read about this particular weekend, though, they may be asking....
Will he ever just write about us and stop talking about himself all the time? Yeah, kiddos, I will.
These days, though, I just find myself revisiting those days.....a lot.


  1. Bling? Did someone say bling? Miss Sierra is a girl after my own heart and her jack-o-lantern is FABYOOLOUS! I LOVED your memory of the matchbox car party as much as I loved attending the party itself. You made out that day. I was supremely jealous! The track with the loop was da bomb! I think I might have gifted you with some matchbox cars a few years ago for your birthday or maybe Christmas. I hoped they would keep the "memory train" alive and chugging! Great post!


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