The Profound Thoughts of a Fool in Mozambique

Folks, one of my greatest wishes in life is to become a more accomplished traveler and writer.  I also hope one day to better emulate my father who truly walked the walk of being a better human being by simply being compassionate and helping his fellow man.  It sure is easy to wish and dream about what- ifs, but my brother-in-law Dave, like my father, actually did something about it.  Dave recently returned from a mission sojourn in Mozambique, Africa doing the good work of Habitat for Humanity. I asked Dave that upon returning, he write about some of his experiences in Africa, particularly relating to food.  As only Dave could, he captured both the joys and perils of eating in a faraway land.

Now, Dave has a blog of his own called Profound Thoughts of a Fool.  I encouraged him to start the blog a while back just like I encouraged him to write about Africa.  Dave tends to sell himself short regarding his writing skills but I truly believe Dave possesses one of those rare, slice-of-life voices that needs to be heard.  As he will tell you, he thinks his writing more "low-brow" than mine, but I suppose that depends on your perspective.  I frankly think he's just braver than I am and I admire his ability to tell it like it is.  Therefore, I wanted to share his astounding experience in Africa in his own, unique words.  Please click here and read the post before it as well to get a vivid, striking and often damn funny recount of his brief but powerfully life-changing time in Mozambique...


  1. Thanks for sharing his story on your page! I agree - he can be amusing!


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