Growth: Vegetables and Me (And Adulthood Makes Three)

  Yes indeedy, there was a time in my shakily uncertain childhood where the idea of eating Brussels sprouts might just have put the fear of God in me. In those halcyon days of processed yore, there were a lot of vegetables I resisted, but Resistance Was Futile, as they say. Eat them or don't eat at all was the way it was at my family table and I think we all know that not eating at all was never going to be my choice, no matter how much I might not have relished those veggies.
Well, Hallelujah and pass the produce, because adulthood brought a love of all vegetables, including those Sprouts of Brussels.  Roasted in the oven with lemon pepper or even (gasp!) bacon, they make a fine accompaniment to any meal...or even as a meal themselves. 
Jeanette's Healthy Living blog has this gorgeous pic of a spectacle of sprouts...she tossed them with onion, soy sauce and sesame oil before roasting them and this is definitely going to be our next way of trying them out. Check out her awesome blog for how she did these and other terrific healthy cooking ideas.


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