Now, A Word From the Onion....
Thank the Good Lord above that my family was blessed with a sense of humor. It's the family trait I'm most proud of. Even today, despite their frailties and challenges, my parents never lose their sense of humor. It also tends to show up at inappropriate times as well. For them and me. I'm the crown prince of cracking up in church from the balcony to the choir loft.
The reason I bring this up is that this is one of those days where I need a hit of humor. So what better than an article from that institution of irreverance, the Onion? The following link is to one with a Thanksgiving theme......too,too funny
While I'm bringing up things that make me smile, here's another look at my childhood on Saturday mornings. Kristy reminded me these were called Danish-Go Rounds and the strawberry-flavored were my faves. Loved these! Yes, I'm sure I rotted out plenty of brain cells on all of the cartoons as well as teeth on all of the sugar, but Damn, it was fun getting there...
I LOVE DANISH GO ROUNDS!!! And I love The Onion too!