Tuna Christmas

Greater Tuna is a hilarious two-man play about the denizens of Tuna, Texas. 26 denizens to be exact all played by two masterful comedians by the names of Joe Sears and Jaston Williams. The play had two successful sequels...Tuna Christmas and Red, White and Tuna. My friends Kristy and Kaki can pretty much quote the original verbatim.

This clip is from an HBO production produced by Norman Lear. Of course, in the interest of keeping up the food theme this one takes place at the Tastee Kreme diner and features the waitresses Helen and Inita.

Inita, flop one cheesy greasy and let it bleed...


  1. Oh My FREAKING God!!! Where did you find a clip of the HBO prodution???? All I have are the DVD's of the stage play. And yep, I can quote a bunch of it. You don't wanna watch it with me and Kak LOL. "I always said I'd sing over your grave and Judge...I feel a SONG comin' ON!" "VIRGIL! That book is to sign your name in not to color in!." "WAXY." Thank you! Thank you!! Thank you!!!


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