First Attempt

First day as planned was a foodie day, to be sure.

Living here in Kansas City is a wannabe foodie's dream. Endless supply of eating adventures to be had. I've lived here six years and feel I've barely scratched the surface but fully intend to. Our day began with breakfast at First Watch in NKC which always manages to get me overly full no matter how early I stop eating the meal. I have never had a bad meal there. Yum indeed.

We took a stroll through Cosentino's new and spectacular market in the Power and Light district and then went on to see Julie and Julia at the new AMC downtown theater. What an inspirational experience that film is. Meryl Streep was brilliant and I felt as if I was truly discovering Julia Child for the first time. My friends know my love of film and food so I had boundless good will toward this movie.

Headed to the grocery store and did the shopping. Here begins the inexperience. Typically, if Keith and I go together I offer to push the cart and remove myself from any decision making. Seriously...I'll do the lug work if I don't have to think. Tonight, we had chosen a recipe to start my cooking tutorials and K insisted I actually carry the list and pick out the food. I quickly learned there was a difference between flat-leaf and curly-leaf parsley. Embarrassingly, I also did not really know what a shallot looked like. Items chosen, we headed toward the homestead.

I chose a Food Network Rachael Ray recipe to kick it off. I have loved the Food Network for many years and truly, it has gone a long way toward helpng me relax toward cooking. I should also mention that Keith is a great cook. I know what you're thinking......if he's there to cheer you on and coach you, where's the drama? Worry not, friends...I can find drama in a doorknob. K will help me today but the goal is to do this on my own and not just for Keith and I. One day at a time.....


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