The Mind-Blowing Minecraft Cake

Pure awesomeness it may be, but there's another cake that blew me away this week.  Keith's cousin Jill created a mind-blowing Minecraft cake for her daughter Caitlyn's 10th birthday.  Minecraft, for those that don't know (and I'm one of them) is, according to their Wiki page, a game with "creative and building aspects of Minecraft allow players to build constructions out of textured cubes in a 3D procedurally generated world". 

Jill tells me that Caitlyn picked out the cake below and had to study a YouTube instructional video to learn how to build it. In Jill's own words:

I watched the YouTube video and took notes to figure out the precise cuts that had to be done in order to accomplish the three tiers of dirt, sand and water blocks.  Luckily, Anne and Rhonda (and 2 bottles of wine) helped me crank out this cake in 4 hours from start to finish.  The trick was the double batches of cake and Rice Krispies and a quadruple batch of blueberry Jello to attain the perfect 2 X 2 blocks (including dental floss to cut the Jello perfectly).  Caitlyn was so attached to the cake that we were not allowed to eat from it, instead we had to take pieces of the leftover remnants.


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